
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sally at Camp Lejeune

Sorry for no post last night. Was doing a lot of thinking!! Sally did great here!! She really was an ambassador!!!!! Though the day started a half hour early for me I could tell it was really early for her. The day started at 02:30. Needed the extra time for her breakfast and a quick trip outside before I got ready. During the night I did get quite a scare. I live in a house by myself, and I normally sleep on the couch in the living room. With Sally here I slept on the bed. Sometime during the night Sally had jumped down off of the bed and when she jumped back up onto the bed I jumped out of bed. Once I realized that it was just her, I settled down and went back to bed. The entire time she just sat there on the bed looking at me like "What is your problem?" LOL. Trying to get ready when there is a dog that won't let you 5 feet out of her sight was interesting.
We went out to the Jeep and got in it and started the drive into work. It was the first time in quite a while that I have actually felt somewhat relaxed on the drive. We had to stop and pick up Manny from the barracks on our way out to Devil Dog. Manny got in the Jeep and looked in the back. I think it kind of caught him off guard that Sally didn't even lift her head to see who was getting in. She was comfortable in the back and trying to catch up on the sleep I had deprived her of. We then drove out to Devil Dog. Camp Devil Dog is the center for the USMC School of Infantry. It is the first school for New Marines fresh out of Boot Camp. The Aid station that I work at is not very big and with sick call and a sick call screeners course going on out there at the same time it means a lot of people. Roughly 15 - 20 people total in a space roughly the size of 3-5 parking spaces. As we went into the BAS, we were met with a lot of curious and excited looks. Those that I work with there have all helped a lot over the last year plus. They have all wanted updates whenever I have gone TAD to spend time with Sally. Now they finally got the chance to meet her. Sally and entered and she handled it like she has been doing there with me forever. Naturally she did the normal dog thing and had to sniff around and check things out. Everyone there stood and watched and weren't quite sure what to do. They all would say "hi" to her and rather then greeting anyone Sally just went about her business of checking things out. Finally done her and I sat down and she then started to look at the "Strange" people around her. As the others were talking to me and asking if they could pet her Sally would look at me first as if to ask if it was alright for her to visit. I told her to go ahead. figuring that if she was going to be around these people she would need to feel comfortable with them. She didn't spend much time with any of them. She would let then pet her once or twice and then that was enough. She would look back at me and come back over and sit down next to me. After the greetings everyone got to work. Sally did incredible!!!! I took a towel out with us and laid it down on the floor, told her to go to bed and she did. She did get up a couple of times and came over to me, most of the time it was about the time that my anxiety was starting to raise with all of the people there. She would nudge my hand until I petted her and then I would tell her to back to bed and she would. Overall it was a quiet and quick sick call. Afterwards she got to show off. We demonstrated her "Pay Attention" and "Alert" commands. She did them flawlessly!! I actually used my Chief out there to show the Alert command and when she barked he kind of jumped a little but he was really surprised because the bark was really soft and although it was semi loud it was non threatening. While we were out there the new Chaplain for SOI came out there for a tour, so when he saw Sally there were of course a lot of questions. Sally did great and just sat in front of me while we talked. A kind of funny story about Sally and my Chief at the BAS. I gave Sally a drink of water. While she was drinking Chief came back and looked at her and said "Why are you making such a mess?" Sally looked up at him, bent back down took a "drink" of water, moved her head to the side of the bowl, and let the entire mouthful of water pour out of her mouth onto the floor. She then looked back at Chief as if to say "Is that Better?" Chief started laughing and just could not get over the fact that the expression on her face was like she did it intentionally. Chief really fell in love with her!!
After sick call we went to the clinic so the rest of my chain of command could meet her. The first people we met was Commander Buchanan, and my other Chief, Chief Hellmann. We walked into their office and the first comments that were made was how beautiful she was. Both Commander and Chief bent over and tried to talk to her and she basically snubbed both of them. At first they were kind of surprised but as soon as I told her to visit she went up to each of them and said hi. I think the biggest reaction from everyone is Sally is the first Service dog that most of them have ever been around. So they are used to regular dogs that when they come into a room they will automatically come up and greet everyone and if you say their name they will normally come to whomever said it. Sally doesn't do that. She waits and will look at me to make sure if it is okay. Even when Sally was told it was okay to visit it was really brief and Commander decided to sit on the floor and see if he could get any more of a reaction from her. Sally did go back over and see him but still had an indifferent attitude towards him. The comment that Chief made was he has never seen a dog that didn't wag their tail a lot when given attention. She did wag her tail a couple times but they could see that she was in work mode and were amazed. The question did come up if that was the way she always was. They were amazed when I told them that she was a completely different dog without her vest on. I guess it didn't occur to them that Service dogs are kind of like us in the military. When we put our uniforms on most of us are different then when we are wearing civilian attire. Also for a dog to have that same attribute was new to them. Commander Chief and I talked for a little bit and Sally laid down in front of me and chilled out. Personally I think she was still trying to recover form the early morning wake-up call. Afterwards Sally and I walked around the clinic for a while and met a majority of the rest of the staff. There were a lot of questions that were asked about psychiatric service dogs. What she does she do for you? Is she helpful? What kind of things does she know? Is this the dog that can read? Everyone really were impressed especially since whenever we stopped Sally would just lay down in front of me and chill. I think everyone was expecting a normal dog that was up moving around and checking out everyone and everything. Several comments were made from the staff that has dogs of their own that they wished they could get their dogs to act half as good as Sally. After the meet and greet Sally and I went back to Commander and Chief and we all went to the lounge and Sally and I demo'd her skills. She turned the lights on and off, picked up and took an ID card to one of the other staff members that were in the lounge watching. Kyria, she even bowed on command for them!!!! Then we showed the "Pay Attention" and "Alert" commands. These are the 2 main commands that fascinate everyone!! Commander, Chief, Dr. G, and HM2 McHugh were all amazed at how she did both!! Then came the questions. How far will she let me know when there is someone coming up behind me. Chief asked if that was something that could be done in the hallway. I told him yes and that she can also distinguish that if 2 people are walking up talking to each other she would watch them and if they started coming towards me then she would let me know, otherwise she would just let them walk past me. Real quick I want to mention real big THANK YOU to Sally' trainers at Alderson!!!!! She did incredible!!!!!!!!!! The demo was the last part of the day for us at work. Commander told me to go, socialize!!
After leaving work Sally and went back to the house and I changed clothes. Got into my civies. We still had group to go to, but when we got to the house Sally got some water and went and laid down. Again I think the early wake up call I think was getting to her. We had a couple hours before we had to be at group so we both just chilled at the house. We then went into group. This was not an option as Sarah, my Therapist, hadn't met Sally yet. Again we loaded up and started on our way in to main side this time. We made a quick stop at the gas station that I have been doing my shopping at so the staff their could see Sally and know that I would be starting to come in with her. I think it was the owner or the General Manager that was there, along with one of the clerks that has really helped me during this entire time. Sally did outstanding and even did another bow on command. Kyira she really does know this command, even though she won't do it when you are around. LOL!! The manager asked quite a few questions about her and also told me that her daughter did a paper on Service Dogs and even did some volunteer time with another organization. She then asked if Sally could have a treat. Initially I was hesitant but then she said that she knew Sally couldn't have it then but asked if I would take it with me and give it to her when she wasn't "Working". It was neat to hear that someone knew the difference. Anyway we went to group. Everyone at the DHC was excited when they saw Sally and I come in. They have all heard about me and her and were glad to finally see the 2 of us together. Sally and I went up to group where the guys, and the staff were amazed at how she acted. While we were waiting Sally laid down in front of me and though she seemed relaxed at the slightest noise she would lift her head up, look around and the if I didn't react to anything she would lay her head back down and relax again. Sarah came out to the waiting area to collect us for group and she finally got to meet Sally. One of the other guys in group has a service go Thor but they weren't there that day. Everyone in group were amazed at how Sally went in and until I said visit would even pay attention to any of them. Sally and I went around so she could meet everyone there and the I settled down in one of the chairs and and Sally settled down in front of me again. Sally and I were going to have to leave early and Sarah had us do a quick demo. The guys in this PTSD group were amazed particularly with the "Pay Attention" command. I could tell when she did it that they all had the same look that I did the first time I saw it. Amazement and an ability to see how helpful it would be, to have someone that would constantly watching your 6. It seemed like the time flew and it was time for Sally and I to leave. They guys all told her bye and that they were looking forward to seeing her again soon! She wagged her tail and we headed out to meet up with Terry and Allison.
Terry, Allison, and Wyatt were at the Bojangles's off base and Sally and I headed that way. We got there and headed inside. We all had a good talk about the upcoming week where my brother, and Dad are going to be down here at Camp Lejeune and Terry and Allison are bringing Sally down too. I guess on Wednesday all of us are to meet with Master Chief Prince so he can finally meet Sally and see her in action. If this 24 hours that I had her this week is any indication as to what next week is going to be like. It should be a good week. While at the Bojangles's I found out about Amanda and Ellie. Was rather disappointed that that happened. I hope they are all okay!!! Terry and Allison also gave me some homework. Trying to figure out what Sally and I can do to help others. Visiting hospitals, visiting Pediatric wards, Care homes. They gave me several ideas. Still doing a lot of thinking on that. In a lot of ways going out is still a foreign thought to me, although with Sally at my side I know I will be able to do it. We also talked about when my daughter here get to meet Sally. I am going to tell them that Sally likes to be read to so if they want they can bring books to the meeting and read to her. I hope they enjoy it. Well I guess this post has become a minor novel so I will go for now. I am looking forward to seeing Sally, Terry, Allison and Wyatt again next week. I am also looking forward to seeing my brother Neil and my Dad. Still a little nervous but the anxiety is decreasing just know that Sally will be here too.